Global Exchange is building on more than 30 years of work to build people-to-people ties around the world to advance human rights, real democracy, and justice. Our work is powered by the generous donations of members and supporters like you. We need your support to keep going. Please donate today.
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Become a member and add your voice to thousands who put the rights of workers and the health of the planet first, insist international collaboration is central to ensuring peace, and build a local, green economy which embraces the diversity of our communities.
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Monthly giving is one of the best ways you can support Global Exchange. When you join Global Exchange as a monthly supporter, you’ll become part of a global community working to ensure the future is fair, safe and sustainable for all of us. A little bit each month goes a long way toward building our movement.
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Donating stock to Global Exchange is a great way to support our work and enjoy a variety of tax benefits.
Donate By Mail or Phone
Make checks payable to Global Exchange
Mail to:
Global Exchange
Attn. Development Department
1446 Market St.
San Francisco, CA 94102
Or call 415.575.5534