Global Exchange is seeking funding for an important campaign to fight climate change.
Your vote could help us win $200,000 thanks to the Changing Climate Change Contest put on by Just Means. The money comes thanks to
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, which is making four separate grants-each for $200,000, payable over 5 years, to support work on reducing climate change.

GX’s Climate Change campaign in a nutshell: Global Exchange wants to add to the political fight to stop climate change by bringing disadvantaged communities of color into the political arena. Too often, environmental movements do not include the voices of those who stand to lose the most.

So if you’re down to help us out with your vote (it only takes a second to register and vote) we sure would appreciate it. Plus, Just Means is a cool new website worth checking out. Regardless of whether we win or not, a big thanks to Green Mountain Coffee Roasters for investing this kind of money into the important field of climate change.

P.S. If you’re interested in learning more about Global Exchange’s Climate Justice work, take a moment to check out our new Climate Justice Blog.