I’ve won 1 contest in my life; tickets to a Van Morrison concert in the 80s via a radio station giveaway. I’m not sure what the odds were of me winning, but somehow my track record of zero wins took a fruitful turn that fateful day.
My guess is you have a much better chance of winning something in the Global Exchange Prize Drawing happening later this week than I did when I called that radio station way back when.
What’s this about a Prize Drawing? The prize drawing is taking place during our annual Open House happening this Thursday, Oct. 6th at the Global Exchange main office in San Francisco, but the deadline to purchase prize drawing tickets online is Oct. 5th. You don’t have to attend the event to enter (and win!) the prize drawing.
The prizes we’re giving away are super cool, so I’m encouraging you and all your friends to grab your prize drawing tickets NOW for a chance to become a winner.
Here’s a rundown of some of the prizes being offered:

Harbin Hot Springs. Picture yourself there!
- Grand Prize: $1000 toward a Reality Tour of your choice – our destinations include upcoming trips to Cuba and Egypt. $1,000 bucks?! That’s right. One thousand dollars.
- Weekend Stay for two at Big Sur Getaways. Your opportunity to take that long overdue vacation with a special friend.
- Dinner with GX co-founder Kevin Danaher at Gracias Madre. Dine on fancy Mexican organic food with a true champion of the green economy.
- Camping weekend for two at Harbin Hot Springs. Wow, this place is amazing. I’m more relaxed just thinking about it.
- Two all access VIP passes to the Arab Film Festival (tickets to 46 films + the VIP opening night gala). Cutting edge films and the opportunity to network with like-minded community members.
- Signed print by Oakland based artist Favianna Rodriguez. This is the #1 Top prize pick for many Global Exchange staffers…too bad we’re not qualified to win!
- Child’s Sakuut Kids Balance Bicycle from Noe Valley Cyclery. A bike? Yes, a bike from a prominent local bike shop! Get a jump on your holiday shopping and surprise one lucky child.
- Two-tickets for cocktails and fun at the Celebrity Pool Toss of Tenderloin Neighborhood Development
Corporation (poolside at the Phoenix Hotel). This event is not something you want to miss. A who’s who of celebrity do-gooders have shown up in the past, including Robin Wililams. And the Phoenix hotel is one THE coolest, hippest hotels in San Francisco. - $100 Gift certificate to Embodies Organic Boutique. Seriously fashion-forward clothing, jewelry, accessories, even shoes! Most wardrobes pale in comparison to their offerings. (I know mine does!)
- $50.00 Gift certificate to Urban Bazaar. Fair Trade + Locally handmade gifts = slam dunk!
- Timbuk2 Messenger Bag. If you’ve never owned a Timbuk2 messenger bag you don’t know what you’re missing. Well constructed, made locally in San Francisco, these bags are built to last without sacrificing style and fashion.
- Organic Make-Up from Dirty Beauty. Lip balm and body crème and soaps, oh my!
- Wine tasting at Cline Cellars in Sonoma, CA. They had me at wine.
- Two-year subscription to Mother Jones Magazine. Not 1 but 2 year subscription…this magazine rocks!
More prizes are still being added. Your chances of winning are very good, so grab your prize drawing tickets online today. They’re $10 each or six for $50.
Proceeds benefit Global Exchange. Your support makes it possible for individuals and communities around the world to resist injustice, envision alternatives, and take action. Speaking of take action…
Attend the Global Exchange Open House: Stop by the Global Exchange offices in San Francisco for our annual Open House. We are celebrating 23 years of social change and activism on October 6, 6-9:30pm, at 2017 Mission St., 2nd Floor, San Francisco, CA.
It will be a wonderful evening with great food, specialty cocktails and sangria, Típica Cubana music by Los Soneros de Acero, and a chance to meet and mingle with Global Exchange staff. And of course, we’ll be hosting our annual Prize Drawing.
The Global Exchange Open House is open to you, our members, supporters, and friends.
Get Your Prize Drawing Tickets Here: Remember, you don’t need to attend the GX Open House in order to enter the prize drawing. Simply go online here and grab your prize drawing tickets to enter and (hopefully) win!
Good Luck!
Yours truly,
Brown eyed girl