As promised, here are photos from World Fair Trade Day at Dolores Park in San Francisco. They come to you thanks to the Bay Area Fair Trade Coalition. They wanted you to know that they have a new Myspace Page. Do your social networking duty and friend them. Speaking of which, the Global Exchange Store also has dabbled in the social networking world. Except, we have a Facebook Page, so come on and be our friend, or as Facebook calls it ‘fan’. Now on to our regularly scheduled photos….

Curious park goers at the Global Exchange table with Adrienne (left) our Fair Trade campaigner and Kirsten (right) our Executive Director

Alter-Eco giving their fair trade seal of approval

Magatte Wade-Marchand, co-founder of Adina World Beat Beverages talks to some thirsty people about her delicious fair trade drinks

Adrienne, Global Exchange Fair Trade Campaign Coordinator, speaking to the crowd

Jamie Guzzi, of TransFair, receives the Proclamation making San Francisco a Fair Trade City

Kirsten Moller, GX Executive Director holding Fair Trade flowers, while Jamie reads the proclamation. “We dub thee, San Francisco, a Fair Trade City….”

Celebration time with some amazing Senegalese dancers