Today there was a PBS MacNeil/Lehrer segment on the Women’s Bean Project. We’ve been selling their beans for years, at least as long as I’ve been at Global Exchange (6+ years!), so I’m pretty familiar with their company. But I have to say, watching their story made me appreciative that Global Exchange sells their product, and inspired by what they do. They are the real deal, changing womens’ lives through business enterprise. Don’t take my word for it. Watch it yourself!
The founder Jossy Eyre got chocked up when talking about her original vision and how 20 years later, her vision is a reality, and a thriving one no less! I too got choked up, so here I am, sharing my thoughts with you. Needless to say, if you’re still looking for holiday gifts connected to a truly terrific project, the Women’s Bean Project products are where it’s at!
By: Tex Dworkin