Sustainability and Food Sovereignty in Cuba July 17-31, 2010
“Food sovereignty is the right of peoples to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods, and their right to define their own food and agriculture systems. It puts the aspirations and needs of those who produce, distribute and consume food at the heart of food systems and policies rather than the demands of markets and corporations. It ensures that the rights to use and manage lands, territories, waters, seeds, livestock and biodiversity are in the hands of those of us who produce food.”
– Declaration of the Forum on Food Sovereignty, Nyeleni, Mali, 2007
Cuba’s unique history has shaped its food system in a way unlike other countries in today’s modern world. Exclusion from global trade has forced Cuba to pursue alternatives to conventional industrial agriculture. As a result it has emerged as a progressive example of sustainable agriculture based heavily on local production. By breaking from the global food system, Cubans have made great strides towards reclaiming control of their food interests. On this tour you will meet the Cuban farmers, activists, policymakers, and local consumers who are fighting for food sovereignty.
Join Global Exchange and Food First as we take you straight to the roots of Cuba’s food system. Learn about its uniqueness in the global economy and meet the people on the ground fighting for food sovereignty. This delegation will be one of a unique hands on experience! Please see the draft itinerary on the website for details!
Cost: $2,290
Price Includes:
- Airfare from Cancun, Mexico to Havana, Cuba
- Double room accommodations in 2 star hotels and guest houses
- Transportation by private, air-conditioned motor coach as well as transfers for group as appropriate.
- Admission and fees to museums and program activities.
- Two meals a day (excluding arrival and departure days).
Remember: This tour is open to ANY AND ALL PERSONS seeking to learn about the Cuban food system and promote solidarity with Cuban agriculturalists. This is a unique opportunity open to all persons to legally travel with Global Exchange and Food First.
For more information and a sample itinerary please go to this link:
The dates of this delegation are fast approaching so please contact Leslie at or Drea at as soon as possible to reserve your space! We also have a limited number of scholarships available for this delegation so persons who may be hesitating because of price, please see our website for scholarship details