Antonia Juhasz, Director of Global Exchange’s Energy Program was interviewed by Kevin Danaher, Global Exchange Co-Founder about the impacts of BP oil spill and what it means for our economy. Following her fifth trip to the Gulf Coast Juhasz reported what is happening in the Gulf Coast; how the oil spill affected the economy and the local communities; how Washington, DC and BP are dealing with the situation; and what the media are saying.
Antonia spent weeks in the region interviewing local people and researching for her new book. She wrote two articles to Huffington Post and was interviewed by Democracy Now! journalist Amy Goodman about the effects of the BP oil spill. She’s been working extensively to report on the oil spill and greatly increased the knowledge of those who participated on this webinar.
If you missed the opportunity to hear those two activists/intellectuals, the recording of the webinar is now available for purchase, for only $5, at
For other Global Exchange’s webinar visit: second Green Careers webinar and first Green Careers webinar.
If you would like to know more about Antonia Juhasz background, visit:
Follow Antonia on Twitter and Facebook
If you would like to know more about Dr. Kevin Danaher’s background, visit:
Follow Kevin on Twitter and Facebook