Oil in grass between Oyster Bayou and Taylor's Bayou, St. Mary's Parish, Louisiana, July 30, 2010, Photo Credit: Antonia Juhasz.
On August 26th, 12pm, PST Antonia Juhasz, Director of Global Exchange’s Chevron Program and Kevin Danaher, Global Exchange Co-Founder will present a 60-minute report back from the Gulf Coast. Antonia will have just come back from long visits to the Gulf Coast and Washington, DC interviewing people and researching for her new book. Juhasz wrote an article to Huffington Post and was interviewed by Democracy Now! journalist Amy Goodman about the effects of the BP oil spill. She’s been working extensively to report on the oil spill and has a lot to share with us.
Antonia and Kevin will lead an interactive webinar conversation and Q&A about the impacts of the BP Oil spill and what it means for the Green Economy. They will discuss what really happened and what is truly going on in the Gulf Coast; how this environmental disaster affected the communities; what BP oil spill has to do with the Green Economy; and how Washington, DC is dealing with this situation.
Don’t miss the opportunity to know what the media is not telling us. Please join and invite your friends to participate! To attend please register now at http://bit.ly/ciVOBQ Cost: Only $7.
For other Global Exchange’s webinar visit the first and second Green Careers webinars.
If you would like to know more about Antonia Juhasz background, visit: http://www.tyrannyofoil.org/article.php?id=43
Follow Antonia on Twitter and Facebook
If you would like to know more about Dr. Kevin Danaher’s background, visit: www.globalexchange.org/getInvolved/speakers/56.html
Follow Kevin on Twitter and Facebook