I may not be the best cook, but I do enjoy baking and when I do bake, I do my best to make sure that most of my ingredients are Fair Trade. So, when CODEPINK put out a call for pie recipes to include in a book, I submitted one of my recipes for a Fair Trade mud pie.

Well, I am happy to announce that the recipe was selected to appear in the cookbook and is now available for sale. (insert excited squeal)


In Peace Never Tasted So Sweet: Deliciously Sweet and Savory Pie Recipes from Women Around the World (Printed & distributed through Lulu.com; May 1, 2010; $7/$33), CODEPINK tells the story of women “waging peace” and building community through their personal family recipes as well as sharing their tools and experience as peace activists. The stories and recipes were collected from women across the US and globally including a poet laureate, a retired Colonel, a witch, radical grandmothers, civil rights activists, a leader in the Muslim peace movement, creative bakers, change-makers, a Girl’s Club, local CODEPINK coordinators and more.

Recipes for change.

I use baking as a fun way to share the concept of Fair Trade with friends, family and strangers alike. You can introduce Fair Trade in a delicious way. People are usually surprised at the amount of Fair Trade ingredients that can be found out there. “So, the almonds are also Fair Trade?” They sure are. See TransFair USA’s extended list of Fair Trade Certified products available in the US and see what you can be baking/cooking/eating/whatever.

Other people are baking with Fair Trade products. See the concept of Baking it Forward.

Pick up a copy of the cookbook, see my recipe and give it a try. It’s pretty simple and mighty good. The whole book of recipes will leave you inspired for peace and hungry for a piece of pie.

Deliciously Sweet and Savory Pie Recipes from Women Around the World
May 1, 2010
$7.00 Ebook/ $33 print / 93 pp / 978-0-557-45194-4
Printed & distributed by www.lulu.com
Ebook: http://bit.ly/peacesosweet
Print version: http://bit.ly/peacesosweetprint

AND. If you happen to be in San Francisco on June 15th, stop by Mission Pie in the Mission District for the book launch party. Details here.