Photo Credit: Tar Sands Action (video still)
On Sunday, November 6th the Tar Sands Action will return to Washington D.C. for a massive rally that sends an unmistakable message to the President.
The following is a statement and call to action issued by a diverse group of movement leaders about this momentous action:
Exactly one year before the next presidential election, we want to encircle the whole White House to ask President Obama to reject Keystone XL and live up to his promise to free us from the tyranny of oil. In doing so, we want to remind him of the power of the movement that he rode to the White House in 2008. This is bigger than any one person – President or no – and we will carry on, with or without him.
We’ve never tried something this ambitious before, and we don’t know if there are the thousands of people that it will take to encircle the White House. But if we can pull it off, it will be an unmistakable message. Also, we’re not expecting any arrests at this action, which means that anyone and everyone is able to participate.
Bill McKibben had this message to share about the Nov. 6th event:
November 6th will be a crucial moment for everyone hoping to stop Keystone XL. We don’t have very much time – the President will make a decision about the pipeline in December – so it’s critical that we make this action as large as possible. If the President sees that our movement has the strength to do something as ambitious as encircle the White House, he’ll know there will be real consequences for not living up to his promises. We hope that exactly one year from the next election, he would take that as a sign he needs to change course and start living up to the high expectations he set in 2008.
- To find out more about the event, read the event invitation here.
- Follow the Tar Sands action on Twitter.
- To join the rally, sign up here.
- For more about the tar sands actions, watch this: