Photo Credit: CODE PINK

The following is based on a recent Press Release from CODEPINK Women for Peace:

Talk about your monster truck. Women’s peace group CODEPINK puts gaz-guzzling hummer to rest. Here’s the skinny:

When: During the U.S. Social Forum on Monday, June 21, installation happening 11am-4pm, ceremony 4- 6 pm

Where: Heidelberg Project, corner of Heidelberg and Ellery Streets, Detroit

One month after the last Hummer rolled off the production line, our friends at CODEPINK will give the Hummer a proper burial. The art installation will include a real Hummer buried in the ground at the world-famous Heidelberg Project. The Hummer will be painted pink (to symbolize peace), and overflowing with plants, flowers and butterflies to symbolize a more sustainable, green future.

CODEPINK has had a decade-long campaign encouraging people to reject the Hummer and is ready to celebrate its demise.

The Hummer was the symbol of a macho, gaz-guzzling, war-glorifying era that is thankfully coming to an end,” says CODEPINK and Global Exchange cofounder Medea Benjamin. “We are anxious to put the Hummer to rest and help generate a new era of renewable energy and green jobs.”

My generation has been asked to kill and die for oil in Iraq–soldiers dying in their Humvees so Americans can go joy-riding in their Hummers,” says CODEPINK organizer Rae Abileah. “We say ‘No more wars for oil, we want a green, peaceful future.

Read more here about why CODEPINK is burying the Hummer, and check back with this blog for photos of the Hummer burial.