Wondering where things stand with the Cuba travel ban and how you can make your voice heard? Pam Montanaro, Coordinator of Global Exchange’s Eco Cuba Exchange, with the support of Leslie Balog and Drea Hightower of Global Exchange’s Cuba Reality Tours, have summed it up for you:
Freedom to Travel to Cuba!
Now is the time to get every possible YES vote for H.R. 4645, the “Freedom to Travel to Cuba” Bill, now known as the Travel Restriction Reform and Export Enhancement Act.
This bill restores our right to travel to Cuba and lifts restrictions on agricultural sales to Cuba. It will be voted on in the House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture during the month of June. Then it will move to the Floor of the House and Speaker Pelosi will bring every possible Democrat on board. President Barack Obama will then sign this bill into law.
This is the best opportunity we’ve had in years to end the Cuba travel restrictions and maybe our last chance for the next several years.
This bill will pass in the Senate with 62 YES votes! We now have 205 YES votes in the House. We only need 13 more votes!If you’re wondering who’s on the fence, check out the swing votes.
Are you in a power position? If you are a constituent of one of the swing vote representatives, or know someone who is, you are in a powerful position to help pass this Bill!
Here’s what to do:
1) Go to the Global Exchange Cuba bill info page for moreinformation on this bill and what you can do to help get it passed. There you will find the complete text of the bill, talking points, and exactly what to say to your Congressperson.
2) Help us spread the word by forwarding this post on to your friends, family, and colleagues. Include a personal note letting them know why this issue is important to you. Ask that they, too, email and call their congressperson’s office.
3) Forward the information here to any businesspeople, farmers, farmers associations, travel agents, travel associations, municipal and church leaders, or other influential constituents who’d be willing to weigh in with your congressperson along with your personal note.
Lifting the travel ban is within our grasp. It hasn’t been easy to get here. Let’s make sure that all the emails, calls, letters-to-the-editor, delegations to Cuba, and rallies over the last fifty years pay off this year, in this Congress, by acting today