Over a thousand of us turned out on Tuesday – adding San Francisco to the growing list of cities President Obama has been greeted in protest since civil disobedience actions in Washington DC and Ottawa this September. At Organizing for America 2012 campaign offices, fundraisers, speeches and rallies – thousands of people have taken the fight to communities and are keeping the pressure on the President to reject Keystone XL.
In San Francisco on Tuesday, CREDO Action organized with ex-Obama supporters including 31-year-old Elijah Zarlin who wrote fundraiser e-mails in 2008 for Obama. He said,
“In the last election I was a
t the campaign headquarters in Chicago writing fundraising e-mails to help generate the small-dollar donations that helped elect Barack Obama president. But this week I’m working with CREDO Action and helping to organize over 1,000 people to stand with me outside one of President Obama’s high-dollar fundraisers, asking him to deliver on the change he promised us–by stopping the Keystone XL pipeline.”
As the clock ticks towards President Obama’s decision on Keystone, thousands of us prepare to participate in a huge action on November 6 in Washington DC – exactly one year before the election, we want to encircle the whole White House to ask President Obama to live up to his promise to free us from the tyranny of oil and say no to Keystone XL. Find out more about the action here.
For pictures from the rally, see Global Exchange’s Facebook page and 350.org’s album.