Bay Area Fair Traders! A message from the lovely ladies at the San Francisco Global Exchange Store. Check out the SF Store as a great place to get Day of the Dead items, including papel picado, figurines, sugar skull molds, paper flowers, retablos and other accessories.

About Dia de los Muertos-

Dia de los Muertos
Traditional Altar

In Mexico, the Days of the Dead are celebrated with a mixture of reverence for the departed, revelry to make them happy upon their return and mockery to defy the feat of death itself.

As October wanes, altars are set up in the home. Special food is prepared to satisfy the appetite of the deceased, and fruit, flowers and a favortie drink or cigarette is layed out on that altar for the visiting dead. Marigold peral paths are created to help the dead find their way back home, and a glass of water waits to refresh after a long journey.

Although dates and traditions vary from region to region, the basic sentiment remains: Mock death, partake of it, join it, because there is no escaping it.