The Coronavirus pandemic has turned life upside down.
And while we all face this threat together, it is the most vulnerable in our global community – the elderly, the poor, migrants and refugees, communities whose health is already compromised from air pollution – who will suffer the most dire health and economic consequences.
The devastating impact of this pandemic has exposed and magnified the deep structural fault lines within our socioeconomic system. Even now, elected officials and business leaders are prioritizing Wall Street interests over public health and safety. If we are to survive and thrive in the aftermath, we have to envision a new way of life.
Just as we all must commit to social distancing and, for many now, ‘sheltering in place’, washing our hands (a lot), and taking care of those around us — our children home from school, aging parents, and neighbors, we also need to work together toward new national and international priorities.
Here at Global Exchange, we are putting our thirty plus years of creating people-to-people ties to keep global solidarity strong into (digital) action and (online) movement building.
We have already been educating, activating, connecting people and mobilizing via online webcasts and actions for the past several years. And we are working hard (from our homes) right now to keep you updated with frontline webcasts on developing issues, strategies for fighting back, campaigns you can join, and connection to a worldwide struggle.
We’ll be sending out an invitation early this coming week for a webcast on how COVID-19 is impacting communities we work with around the world from Italy to Brazil, Mexico to Cuba, South Korea to communities here in the United States. We hope you’ll tune in.
But we can’t do any of it without your support. Can you make a special donation to fund our work?
With global travel shutdown and our Reality Tours program on hold (through April), we are facing an unprecedented revenue crunch.
If you are able, please make a donation today and help us continue to do what we’ve done for decades: educate, engage and activate communities around the world toward building a better future for everyone.
As we face the unprecedented crisis of the Coronavirus, we are grateful to have you on our side. It is passionate, committed and generous people like you who are the lifeblood of work toward a better world. You keep the torch of human rights lit and make the dream of a new dawn possible, even as we face one of our darkest hours.
Thank you for all you are doing to “flatten the curve” and protect and support your community, and thank you for standing with us and supporting our ongoing work for peace, environmental-justice and a future that works for everyone.
We simply can’t do it without you.
Your support means the world to us! Thank you.