StoptheTPPsmallJoin us to Break the Silence on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).  

Sign up here to join the #TPPTuesday Social Media Action Team an online effort to promote and expand the growing movement against the next “NAFTA on steroids”.

The TPP is poised to become the largest Free Trade Agreement in U.S. history, with profound negative consequences for social, environmental and economic justice, as well as basic human rights throughout the world.

Negotiations on this monstrous pact started about three years ago, but there is still very little public knowledge about what it is and the threats it poses. The TPP’s architects are purposefully trying to keep the agreement’s potential impacts on jobs, climate regulations, Internet freedom, food safety, indigenous sovereignty and more hidden in the shadows.

By joining the new #TPPTuesday Social Media Action Committee you can help drag the TPP into the light of day. You will receive a weekly email with links to articles, photos, videos and action alerts from and about the growing cross-border movement to stop the TPP — which you can then pick and choose from to share with your social network over Twitter, Facebook, email and more.

This is one of the biggest issues of our time, but a lot of people don’t know about it yet. Let’s raise awareness about the TPP and the potentially disastrous effects it may have on people all over the world!

Take-ActionPlease sign up to be part of the #TPPTuesday Social Media Action Committee today.

Find out more about the TPP by visiting: and

Sign the petition to halt TPP negotiations.