Much thanks to the Fair Trade Resource Network and Fair Trade Towns USA, for putting together this great video clip from the World’s Largest Fair Trade Coffee Break that took place on World Fair Trade Day. A total of 12,128 people from different locations all over the US came together and collectively shared a moment to enjoy a nice cup of Fair Trade Certified Coffee, setting a record! Also, from May 3-18 was North America’s Fair Trade fortnight, and an estimated 50,000 people participated in over 200 events. Impressive numbers Fair Traders. That means that the movement is gaining even more momentum and the number of people becoming aware and supporting Fair Trade is continuing to grow. This is great news not only for people on the ground working to spread the word of Fair Trade, but it’s even greater news for those small-scale farmers and producers groups around the world that are benefitting from Fair Trade. Now let’s break the record for next year!

…and because we know you can’t get enough of looking at photos from the big day, here’s a link to the Flickr page.