We invite you to take a moment to watch this special webcast on Cuba and the Coronavirus  with Cuba’s Ambassador to the United States, José Ramón Cabañas Rodríguez and Dr. Melissa Barber, a Cuban-trained, American doctor currently mobilizing pandemic response in her South Bronx, NY community.

*José Ramón Cabañas Rodríguez has been the Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba to the United States of America, since September 17th, 2015. He will address Cuba’s response to the global pandemic; how Cuba is faring in the face of this public health and economic crisis; and Cuba’s coordination with and aid to countries in the region.

*Dr. Melissa Barber was trained as a medical student at Cuba’s renowned Latin American School of Medicine. We will talk with her about the community based medicine she learned in Cuba — one of just three countries in the Western Hemisphere with free national medical care. (Canada and Costa Rica are the others). We will ask her to reflect on how her education in Cuba has informed her work to, “map the [South Bronx] community to assess vulnerabilities” and target resources efficiently. Dr. Barber also volunteered and worked in Haiti during the earthquake crisis of 2010.

Both the ambassador and Dr. Barber were interviewed by Walter Turner, host of KPFA’s “Africa Today” and president of Global Exchange. He is a Bay Area professor and Cuba expert who has traveled to the island more than 30 times.

This event is co-sponsored by IFCO/Pastors for Peace  and RESPECT Cuba.

We hope you enjoy and share the webcast. To sign up and join us for future webcasts, please sign up here.

Global Exchange is currently accepting bookings for our Cuba New Year’s delegation. Sign up here. We are optimistic travel will be possible to the island by then, but we will rebook to a future trip if necessary. Support the Cuban people, travel with us in Dec.