Project Green Search ( is a model contest with an eco-edge, and Global Exchange’s San Francisco Fair Trade Store Assistant Manager Ariel Clay is in the running!

The contest is searching for the new face of sustainability and the green movement. A “Green Model” should represent the entire green community and be a role model for combining beauty and eco-activism.

Here’s what Ariel had to say:
I want to be the next “Green Model” because I am committed to a daily practice of living a beautiful, eco-minded life, one that I want to share with others by bringing awareness to a wider audience. The recent discovery that modeling can be connected to social activism has made me very excited about becoming a “Green Model.” I have been lucky enough, since I live in San Francisco, to work with designers, stylists, photographers, and brands that share my vision for natural beauty and environmentalism.

To read more thoughts from Ariel, to view her portfolio and vote for her visit her page on Project Green Search.

Voting is simple: once you’re on Ariel’s voting page, make sure all 5 stars are highlighted and then click on them to cast your vote. It takes just a few seconds. (Fyi, the contest only allows one vote per computer/IP address.)

In the meantime, check out this cute video Ariel made, with the help of a few friends:)

Ariel Clay: Project Green Search from justin wiener on Vimeo.