Today, an important amendment on Colombia offered by  to the House National Defense Authorization Act may be voted on the House floor.

This amendment bars aid and commercial export licenses for items for ESMAD, the Colombian police riot squad, which committed many abuses in repressing protests since April 28 (and in years previously). These licenses include tear gas launchers that were fired straight at protesters. Watch our recent reports from Colombia here.

Urge House Members to Vote Yes on Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’s amendment to bar funding and commercial export licenses for items for Colombia’s brutal ESMAD anti-riot squad. Call the Congressional Switchboard: 202-224-3121.

Global Exchange has long demanded an end of U.S. funding of police units involved in violence against peaceful protestors. We went to Colombia to hear the testimonies from victims and organizations who have witnessed the suffering of innocent civilians criminalized, detained, incarcerated – and even murdered – by police units. More recently, we co-facilitated a series of public dialogues around these issues with civil society groups.

Today we have a unique opportunity to end the long history of U.S. funding to ESMAD and pressure the Colombian government to begin a full demilitarization of the police.

Join us in taking action and advance peace in Colombia.  Call the Congressional Switchboard: 202-224-3121.