Today, June 25, 2019, our DC allies are joining forces with labor unions, health advocates, environmental groups, faith organizations and many more to deliver hundreds of thousands of petitions to Congress demanding improvements to the NAFTA deal Trump signed.

The current deal would not stop NAFTA’s race-to-the-bottom job outsourcing and would give Big Pharma new protections that lock in high medicine prices here and export our bad policies to Mexico and Canada. But the new deal would largely whack those outrageous investor-state dispute settlement corporate tribunals and makes some other improvements on NAFTA 1.0

That is why we are backing congressional Democrats demands that Trump fix the deal he signed so it might actually stop some of NAFTA’s ongoing damage to workers and the environment throughout North America.

As we deliver these boxes of petitions, we need you to call your member of Congress and demand “NO vote on NAFTA 2.0 until it removes big pharma provisions and strengthens labor and environmental standards!”

Congress must put people ahead of Big Pharma and Big Oil.

Call your representative now! 1-855-856-7545

Here’s a short sample script you can use:

Hi this is NAME from CITY/TOWN. 

I’m calling to ask REPRESENTATIVE to promise me that [HE/SHE] will not support Trump’s revised NAFTA until and unless the administration improves it so it could actually stop the ongoing NAFTA North American race to the bottom in wages and U.S. job outsourcing and not lock in high medicine prices.

Any revised deal must remove Big Pharma’s provisions that would keep medicine prices high and a loophole that lets oil companies attack environmental laws and strengthen labor and environmental standards and add swift and certain enforcement of them to stop the outsourcing. The current agreement falls short of these demands, and a vote should not be held until these essential improvements are made to the text of the agreement.”

Let’s send a clear message to Congress today – No Vote Until NAFTA 2.0 is Fixed! Please make the call.

Thank you for all you do!