We just passed through Cumberland, Maryland and things are getting interesting.
The group of train travelers to the Capitol Climate Action is finally all together. We’re now making preparations for the demonstration itself. Some of us are willing to be arrested and some of us will opt to demonstrate within legal bounds.
This is a picture of Ken Butigan, from Pace e Bene, leading our “Training on the train”.
Ken and Ted Lewis, the Global Exchange organizer who put together our cross-country Capitol Climate Action train, go way back. They worked together on the Seattle WTO demonstrations in 1999.
During the training, several people came up to the group and listened. One joined the group – a student from Michigan who was on his way to the demonstration.
The Amtrak folks weren’t comfortable with our training session in the lounge car, so they shut it down about half way through. We did the rest of our training informally in smaller groups.
When demonstrations like the CCA happen, a tremendous feeling of community develops. That feeling began to arrive during our training today.