“All those you teach, you change.
All those you change, change you.
The only lasting truth, is change.”
Back in June, Global Exchange familia Zakiya Harris of Grind for the Green and Get Fresh and Pandora Thomas of the Environmental Service Learning Initiative gave a TEDx talk in Denver, Colorado where they took the opportunity to share their vision of Sankofa.
The vision of Sankofa is based on the Ghanaian principle that is rooted in the belief that the past serves as the guide to the future. With the awareness that we stand on the shoulders of our ancestors, Zakiya and Pandora are using the vision of Sankofa to reconnect communities of color to the earth and allowing and inspiring transformation of communities through environmental justice education.
Watch and be inspired by these powerful women as they share their stories around youth, earth, education and empowerment.
Want to hear more from these inspiring women? You can catch them at the Get Fresh FreshFest in Oakland August 14th. Dubbed the “Green Festival for urban residents”, the FreshFest will integrate “eco-awareness and eco-education with entertainment, making learning about green practices, programs, and careers fun, while promoting sustainability through recycled materials, biodegradable foodware, and organic food.” It is set to be the largest youth led eco-music festivals in the nation. Stay tuned for more updates on the ‘Fest.