Happy wintertime (just about),
In this Fair Trade Roundup, you’ll learn about actions you can take to encourage chocolate companies to go Fair Trade. Don’t forget the “News to Peruse” section towards the bottom to get caught up on the latest Fair Trade news from around the globe.
Happy New Year to you!
Roundup Sections:
- Featured Fair Trade Update: Green America Challenges Godiva to go Fair Trade
- Global Exchange Update: 2013 Highlights & What’s Next for 2014
- Fair Trade News to Peruse

Cocoa beans Photo Credit: Green America
1) FEATURED FAIR TRADE UPDATE: Green America to Godiva: Protect cocoa workers and West African children by going Fair Trade
Green America is urging folks to sign a letter telling Godiva to go Fair Trade. Here’s more about this from Green America’s website:
One thing that hasn’t changed in recent years is Godiva’s failure to protect vulnerable workers at the beginning of its supply chain. While other high-end chocolate companies use third-party certification to ensure that their products aren’t tainted with child slave labor and the exploitation of cocoa-producing communities, Godiva does not.
The company insists that it requires its suppliers “to be in compliance with labor laws,” and donates some of its growing profits to organizations providing charitable work in cocoa-producing nations, but these efforts are no substitute for actually building a fair supply chain. For this reason, we are urging Godiva to go Fair Trade. No West African child should be forced to endure grueling cocoa-field labor for low or no pay so that American children can enjoy Godiva-coated Oreos.
What YOU can do:
Please sign Green America’s letter to Godiva telling them to go Fair Trade.
2) GLOBAL EXCHANGE FAIR TRADE UPDATE: 2013 Highlights & What’s Next for 2014
In 1988, four friends co-founded Global Exchange to fight a worldview based on greed, domination, and unvarnished worship of power. We envisioned building a robust U.S. movement capable of creating change from the grassroots, powered by people-to-people ties. This year we celebrated our 25th anniversary, and we are proud to honor the dedication of people like you who have sweated and sacrificed to forge a working alternative from the ground up.
Your continued pressure on Hershey’s after it announced it would buy 100% certified sustainable cocoa by 2020 last fall, paid off, when it announced a third of its supply would be Fair Trade certified.
And you took that energy and continued to advocate for Fair Trade through October – Fair Trade month – taking action daily from our Fair Trade Your Halloween calendar. Then you also wrote to both World’s Finest Chocolate and Ghirardelli to urge both companies to go Fair Trade certified, and trust us, your voice is being heard.
Here’s what YOU can do next:
- To keep the pressure on Ghirardelli, download this color-in postcard to send to Ghirardelli’s CEO, Marty Thompson demanding the company let us know where its cocoa comes from and to make it Fair Trade.
- We’re proud of what we’ve done together. But to achieve the visions we set out all those years ago, we’re going to need your continued support. Please consider donating to Global Exchange so we can continue working to make trade fair.
- SBS: Indian consumers urged to engage with fair trade process
- USFT: Fast Track Bill is Ready! Thank or Spank?
- Fair Trade Resource Network: Advocates Oppose TPP Fast Track Bill Expected in Congress in January
- Fair World Project: Cultivating an Authentic Fair Trade
- The Guardian: From beans to bar: why cocoa traceability is an asset to supply chains
- Daily News Egypt: Fair Trade Egypt turns 15
- Fairtrade International: Fairtrade producers in South Africa remember Mandela
- GoodHouseKeeping.com: 19 of the Best Organic and Fair Trade Chocolates
- Technology Spectator: Will your next phone be Fair Trade?
- The China Post: One woman’s quest to bring the concept of ‘fair trade’ to Taiwan
- Fairtrade International: Fairtrade and Partners Push for Greater Commitment at COP19
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