The following is the second installment of a multi-part series examining the preparations and aftermaths of the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics in Brazil. Read the entire “Re-think the World Cup” series.

The 2014 World Cup is about far more than sport.

When I talk to people here in the U.S. about the upcoming World Cup in Brazil, most still tend to think of soccer parties and cool World Cup commercials. The lack of awareness as to the realities of the event is startling. 

The U.S. media is partially to blame, as comprehensive coverage of the issue has been nearly absent up until very recently. And while sport and parties are certainly aspects to the upcoming World Cup, they are only a part of the story – and to many in Brazil, the least important part.

Brazil was booming economy during the first decade of the 21st century. Its GDP growth topped that of most countries in the world, it slashed its rates of poverty and inequality, it saw a significant drop in its legacy of drug-related violence, and it emerged as a growing player on the geopolitical world stage. These factors, combined with Brazil’s famous national passion for the game of futebol, made the country an understandable candidate for host of the 2014 World Cup.

However, some important underlying issues in Brazilian society were overlooked or ignored in the decision to bring the World Cup to Brazil, and which now threaten the very integrity of the event itself.

Among the issues: poverty, a stubborn gap between rich and poor, a deep need for better education, schools, and hospitals, a perverse presence of corruption within all ranks of government, damning environmental realities, and some of the world’s highest rates of violent crime.

Some of these indicators have seen improvements in the last decade, but hardly enough to shrug them off as solved. And despite the country’s firestorm rate of economic growth in the new milennium, this growth has slowed considerably in the last few years.

FIFA was blind to these underlying issues, or at least indifferent to them. And it was certainly of no interest to Brazil’s corruptos, who were quick to jump on the influx of hundreds of millions of investment dollars that would flow into the country for the event – a quick and easy penny in a system ladled with bribery and corruption.

Brazil is slated to spend 14 billion dollars on the World Cup – the most expensive World Cup to date, and far over budget. It’s a staggering figure no matter the place or context – but in the face of Brazil’s widespread social issues, it feels decidedly darker.

Logic would seem to say that a government should use the wealth of its country to address the social issues it still faces. Logic would say: the gains of the last decades were nice, but they need to be better; the gains of the last decades have improved some things, but the improvements are delicate and much more needs to be done.

But logic has not been at play here. Power, corruption, and the financial interest of a select elite few are.

White Elephants, Disparities, and Evictions

Perhaps the most potent and visible symbols of this World Cup’s injustices are its stadiums. Several of the new or renovated World Cup stadiums are being dubbed “white elephants” – expensive behemoths that will have little use once the frenzy of the World Cup has passed.

In Brasilia, the nation’s capital, the new stadium has cost $900 million and will hold 70,000 seats despite the fact that the local home team rarely brings in more than a few hundred fans per game and despite the fact that 80% of public schools in Brasilia have inadequate facilities that lack chairs, books, and water-tight roofs. For what? The stadium will host seven World Cup matches.

In the northern Amazonian city of Manaus, the stadium Arena da Amazonia has cost $240 million and is designed to hold 43,000 people despite the fact that the average attendance for local games is only 588 people and the local team that plays there is a fourth level professional team. The stadium will host four World Cup matches.

The price for these stadium projects has not just been monetary: 8 workers have died in the fevered rush to complete stadiums on time for the World Cup, attempting to make up for delays in red tape, bureaucracy, and inefficiency.

The 14 billion dollars spent on the World Cup is a huge sum of money, and the opportunity cost – where the money could have been used elsewhere – can be hard to put into context, especially from a continent away. But when I was living in Brazil for a period of time last year, the reality of this injustice was made very real.

I went to a local soccer match at the Maracanã, Rio’s legendary soccer stadium and home to the championship match of the World Cup. The facility has been completely renovated up to FIFA standards, complete with sleek jumbotrons, sparkling hallways, clean new seats, and a pristine turf pitch. It is certainly fit for the highest levels of competition and a global spotlight.

While perhaps none of this would ordinarily be such a point of contention, when a soccer match ends at Maracanã and you walk out of the stadium you will quickly see why it is indeed just that. The disparity and dichotomy is unavoidable – the injustice, literally, in your face.

As I walked out of the revamped stadium, I looked up and was blighted by a scene of complete disconnect in front of my eyes: hillsides of sprawling favelas right next door – stark reminders of the realities the country still faces, and an instigator of many questions: what could the millions that were used to renovate the stadium I was just sitting in have done for the favelas I was now looking up at?

Favelas are often jointly referred to in Western media as slums or shantytowns, but this is not really an accurate definition – a favela is a favela, a low-income but sustainable model of urban development in its own right. Favelas are home to 12 million people in Brazil; residents often live below or near the poverty line, and can lack access to essential resources such as job training and education, as well as utilities such as sewage and sanitation. Favelas also have a long legacy of violence, both between rival drug gangs and with an abusive, corrupt police force.

But despite its image problem, favelas have emerged as sustainable models of urban living – organic and natural outcroppings from a legacy of disbandment and marginalization of poor populations, sprung up from squatters on the hillsides of large urban cities in the late 19th century. They have become sources of pride for their inhabitants, and contain an emerging middle class, solid structures, and an increasingly sustainable model of close quarter urban development.

Upwards of 200,000 residents have been forcefully evicted throughout Brazil in order to make room for sports-related projects. Residents are given stark options and little notice ahead of time, forced to uproot from their communities they have lived in for generations. They are given negligent compensation, if any at all. Those who do receive alternative housing are pushed to high rise public housing on the outskirts of major cities, far away from their jobs in the inner city and even further away from the cherished sense of established community they once enjoyed despite their financial hardships. 

The state of Rio de Janeiro’s hallmark “pacification” program, designed to both drive out drug cartels from favelas and finally incorporate favelas into city grids, is now being questioned and criticized openly. The program, developed after Brazil won its World Cup bid, has been largely credited with historic lulls in violence in Rio since its inception in 2008. However, recent months have witnessed a marked increase in violence, even in “pacified” favelas close to sport and tourist areas.

Of the hundreds of favelas that exist in Rio, only 37 have been “pacified”. Unsurprisingly, these 37 find themselves conveniently close to tourist areas, wealthy neighborhoods, and sporting venues. While levels of violence have dropped overall, the pacification program has also simply pushed much of the violence farther to the city’s outskirts rather than addressing its root causes. And in the process, heavy-handed police raids that attempt to drive out drug traffickers from favelas and keep sporting areas “safe” continue unabated. The incursions, some made by forces trained by U.S. defense companies, occur with little regard to innocent collateral and the human rights violations committed by police proceed with near total impunity.

Who is the World Cup for?

It’s the question many in Brazil have been asking.

The Brazilian people will pay 14 billion dollars out of their own pockets to produce the World Cup while FIFA, a “non-profit” organization, will walk away from Brazil with a projected 4 billion dollar untaxed revenue when the tournament is over.

FIFA and its sponsors will benefit handsomely from the event, as will select developers and certain members of Brazilian government. Sadly, the benefits are not so equally felt.

Despite old claims that mega-sporting events like the World Cup bring long-term economic gains to host countries, recent studies such as those done by sports economist Dennis Coates have shown that this idea is actually false. The games benefit a small circle of people at the top, while the rest of the country experiences no such gains. Meanwhile, the opportunity cost is huge – particularly in a developing country such as Brazil.

The conflict for Brazilians is obvious: they love their futebol, but they also want a better country. They want to celebrate the passion they hold for the sport, but they also want a better future for themselves and their children. The organization of Brazilian civil society in opposition to the World Cup despite their national obsession with soccer is the most telling sign of just how far off this mega-sporting event has become. That 60% of Brazilians feel that the World Cup is bad for the country in a population as soccer-crazed as Brazil is nothing short of remarkable.

We may indeed look back and see that the 2014 World Cup stood on the crux between an old and a new. Like in the Middle East, we are witnessing the rise of a burgeoning civil society in Brazil that is young, tech savvy, and fed up with business as usual. The injustices of the World Cup have forced long-standing social issues in Brazil into the limelight like never before and have instigated a larger social movement that may not fade once the competitions are over. And it us now offering us the chance, as a global community, to re-think and adjust our approach to the ways we go about producing, thinking about, and discussing these mega-sporting events.

The irony would be amusing, if it weren’t so tragic: while corrupt actors initially saw the World Cup as an opportunity to prop themselves up, they may have in fact instigated their own downfall.

Read all entries in the Re-Think the World Cup blog series.

Explore these issues firsthand by traveling to Brazil on a Global Exchange Reality Tour. Become a Global Exchange member today and travel for 10% off all Reality Tours.

The following is the first installment of a multi-part series examining the preparations and aftermaths of the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics in Brazil.

There are visible and invisible dictators. The power structure of world football is monarchical. It’s the most secret kingdom in the world.”

So said the great Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano. Thanks to sports journalist Dave Zirin, the quote has been getting quite a bit of attention recently. But the power structure of world football is not the only malevolent shadow lurking in the dark today. There have been a great series of injustices secretly unfolding in Brazil ever since the South American giant won its bid for the World Cup back in 2007.

On June 12th, the world will shift its attention and collective body clock south, with the idea that the 2014 World Cup is solely about soccer and national rivalries as the planet’s 32 top teams vie for soccer’s most coveted prize in 12 cities throughout Brazil. While an intriguing storyline for FIFA and its corporate sponsors, the storyline is a misleading half-truth at best.

At one point in time, I wanted to be in Brazil during the upcoming World Cup. To attend the pinnacle event of the world’s most popular sport, in the spiritual home of the sport itself, the idea was alluring – all the more so being that I had fallen in love with that wonderful country and its people after living there for a period of time during 2013.

I envisioned Brazilian flags hanging from balconies, groups of fans chanting in unison, and eruptions of shouts from outdoor cafes in Rio following a goal by Neymar. The sun would be shining, live samba would be flowing from open-air bars, and maybe – just maybe – there would be a raucous celebration throughout the streets of Brazil upon the Brazilian national team winning it all.

Unfortunately, this was an ill-fated vision. One that fell hard and swiftly upon learning what this World Cup is really about.

When I think about the upcoming World Cup now, a very different set of images come to mind.

I see 14 billion Brazilian taxpayer dollars squandered while FIFA escapes with 4 billion dollars in revenue tax-free; I see the use of those billions of taxpayer dollars to build or renovate stadiums that will sit idle or offensively underused after the World Cup, rather than building badly needed schools and hospitals in a country that is still very much developing and still very much grappling with widespread poverty, inequality, and violence; I see the forced evictions of thousands of marginalized, low-income favela residents to make room for sport venues and infrastructure projects; I see a corrupt government out to gain for itself and please foreign interests rather than take concern for the welfare of its own people and wondrous natural environment; I see the hijacking of a country by a select elite few, including FIFA, corrupt politicians, and foreign corporations; I see police brutality and a thinly layered mascara attempting to cover up deep-seated and festering social dynamics within society.

And through it all I see the continued endorsement of the event by major U.S. corporations, as well as hordes of foreign tourists who will flock to the shores and cities of Brazil by the hundreds of thousands, pleasantly ignorant to the true realities of this mega sporting event, the true costs of hosting it in this still-developing nation, the true impact that it has wreaked and will continue to wreak on the lives of many ordinary Brazilians.

The upcoming World Cup in Brazil is not largely about sport, it is about money. It is not about the pinnacle of competition, it is about greed and corruption. It is not about communal enjoyment of games, it is about inequality and corporate power.

It’s time to re-think the World Cup. The façade of sport needs to come down. It can come down as swiftly and forcefully as it did for my glorious visions of the World Cup. And it can start now, with Brazil.

Expose the kingdoms from their secrecy, and the kingdoms will reform. Or fall.

Read all entries in the Re-Think the World Cup blog series.

Explore these issues firsthand by traveling to Brazil on a Global Exchange Reality Tour. Become a Global Exchange member today and travel for 10% off all Reality Tours.

I traveled to South Africa in spring 2008 on a Fair Trade buying trip. The first thing I noticed outside of Johannesburg International airport was a towering 2010 FIFA World Cup countdown clock. Over two years to go before kickoff, and the digital countdown was already in motion.

Two years later, the World Cup is in full swing, and I’m left wondering how the event is impacting African artisans working within the Fair Trade system. Are they benefiting from the influx of tourism dollars, are artisans in surrounding countries being affected, and has the increased demand for local crafts impacted the Fair Trade model in South Africa?

You don’t need to be a soccer (er, football) fan to grasp just how massive the World Cup event is and how much money is riding on it; the last World Cup Final viewership was 715 million and 3.4 million tickets were sold, according to Fast Company magazine.

South African artisans will most likely experience a sudden increase in sales resulting from the World Cup, but by how much? I asked around during my 2008 trip to get a sense of what others thought. Local artisans had mixed predictions about World Cup related craft sales; some had high expectations, others believed that there was too much hype and false hopes associated with the worldwide event. So who was right?

Basket Makers in Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa

According to Cael Chappell it’s too early to tell. He’s the owner of Baskets of Africa, a U.S. based Fair Trade business that imports baskets from South Africa and Swaziland. His sense is that the artisans he works with have high expectations for the World cup. Chappell shared this about his artisan partners:

They were busy 3-4 months ago beefing up production to get products into South African stores. It’s too early to tell how products are selling, especially compared to the inevitable contenders–mass produced stuff.

It seems the World Cup is like Christmas. People who make gift products ramp up production long before the actual event, and it takes a while to determine how sales went. In the U.S. we get the complete picture of how the holiday shopping season fared in January, and so it will go for the World Cup. Once the event ends and the smoke clears we’ll have a clearer picture.

During my 2008 buying trip in Kwa Zulu Natal

Some artisan groups I met with back in 2008 were in the process of planning their World Cup production strategies, and one group had already started producing. Fair Trade products take longer to make than mass-produced factory-made products, so artisans need more lead time to complete orders, and banging out high volumes last-minute is not usually an option. So you can see how vitally important it is to accurately project how much product to make.

Whether the amount of inventory Fair Trade artisans in Africa ended up producing will be enough (or too much) to meet World Cup demand, we’ll have to wait a bit longer to find out.

Once the World Cup ends, South African artisans who over-projected should look to Fair Trade importers like Cael Chappell. He claims he has had trouble getting baskets from his South African trading partners lately, due to their temporary focus on local retailers, so if South African artisans end up with too much inventory after the World Cup he is ready and willing to take it! Chappell explained this about Baskets of Africa artisan partners:

They’re working very hard to get orders out to local shops in South Africa, and struggling to fill export orders as a result. It’s been more difficult for me to get things lately. There’s a lot of local demand; the feeling I’ve been getting from suppliers is that they’re not filling other orders in order to accommodate the local demand.

Fair Trade basket made in Swaziland

And so it seems, another Fair Trade segment affected by the World Cup are Fair Traders who import products from Southern Africa. With those artisans placing so much emphasis on selling products locally (which is a good thing!), international African importers who rely on shipments from this region have had to exercise patience.

I asked Cael whether he felt the World Cup was having any negative impact on his Fair Trade relationships. He responded:

There’s no negative impact because I need more production anyway; so far none of my partners have been able to fulfill (my) orders so if they have a sudden lull after the world cup, I’ll buy them!

Fair Trade RAINBOW bracelet

If one South African Fair Trade artisan group is any indication, selling off inventory will not be a problem during the World Cup. RAINBOW COLLECTION proudly states on their website “We have sold all 100,000 Orange Bracelets!” Is selling out 100,000 Fair Trade bracelets an isolated occurrence or harbinger of how Fair Trade sales are going? We shall see.

Tintsaba artisans smiling while they work

Fair Trade artisans in surrounding countries such as Zimbabwe and Swaziland have seen tourism drop dramatically due to the World Cup. Tintsaba Crafts is a rural development project in Northern Swaziland that works with women’s groups producing and selling quality crafts. I visited Tinstaba in 2008, and founder Sheila Freemantle wrote to me this week:

Swaziland accommodation is empty and we have had the worst weeks in history for retail tourism. We have seen about 1 out of the normal 100 (tourists) we get at this time of year. This has caused cash flow challenges in all the local Fair Trade companies. From the beginning I was skeptical about the World Cup potential for tourist sales in Swaziland.

Fortunately for Tinstaba, they seem prepared for this decrease in shoppers, plus there is a silver lining to this dark cloud; besides securing some big export orders that have carried their cash flow through the crisis, their hope lies in, of all things, airport sales. Sheila explained:

Where business will boom is the airport shops and we are grateful to have products in there and we trust that post World Cup, reorders will be fantastic from the big airport shops that run 24 hours.

Gone Rural Retail Display in Swaziland

Hopefully the other Fair Trade retail businesses I visited in Swaziland including Swazi Candles and Gone Rural have similar strategies to get them through the temporary lull in tourist shoppers.

Whether Fair Trade craft sales during the World Cup surpass everyone’s expectations or not, the bigger question is whether this surge will have a lasting effect. My fear two years ago was that the sudden influx of orders might give South African artisans a false sense of hope. The danger lies in increasing future sales projections beyond what is realistic, simply based on special circumstances (like the once-in-a-lifetime World Cup). Unrealistic projections can lead to over-hiring and purchasing more supplies than necessary, two costly mistakes.

If it takes some time to determine how Fair Trade crafts sold during the World Cup, it will take even longer to determine whether there are any long-term effects. The forecast according to Sheila Freemantle:

At best, South Africans have welcomed tourists with open arms and great friendliness and this (will) spread the word that South Africa is a safe destination, a beautiful place (with) great people and high quality crafts. This will be the true benefit of the World Cup. So we hope that the publicity the World Cup has given us will benefit us in the long run.