Happy Springtime Everyone!

This Fair Trade Roundup has the latest on World Fair Trade Day, and news about an alter being erected to honor Fair Trade Pioneer Raúl del Águila, plus of course the usual vetted list of interesting articles to keep you updated and informed about what’s going on in the world of Fair Trade.

Roundup Sections:

  1. Featured Fair Trade Update
  2. Global Exchange Fair Trade Update
  3. Fair Trade News to Peruse

FEATURED UPDATE: World Fair Trade Day

WFTD2013WORLD FAIR TRADE DAY (WFTD) is the largest Fair Trade event of the year in N. America, and events take place May 4-19 in 2013. Around 100,000 people attend hundreds of celebrations to promote Fair Trade and campaign for trade justice together with farmers & artisans.

WFTD itself falls on May 11, with events taking place May 4-19, 2013.

Stickers available to WFTD organizers

Stickers available to WFTD organizers

FTRN provides many free resources to those interested in participating in World Fair Trade Day in N. America including: 

  • free postcards and stickers to promote your WFTD event;
  • free & discounted Fair Trade products to share at your WFTD event;
  • flyers, videos, booklets and other resources to learn games, recipes, event planning guide, and more to help plan your Fair Trade celebration;
  • flyers and media outreach plans.

So visit the FTRN website soon to grab what you need to take part. Oh, and while FTRN supplies these resources for FREE, donations are much needed and appreciated!

raul-del-aguilaGLOBAL EXCHANGE FAIR TRADE UPDATE: Alter  to Honor Fair Trade Pioneer Raúl del Águila

Global Exchange’s 11th annual Human Rights Awards gala is happening May 9th, and this year a Dia de los Muertos alter will be set up at the event to honor the life and work of Fair Trade Pioneer Raúl del Águila.

Raúl dedicated his life to developing alternatives to conventional trade and sustainable development for producers and communities, and in 2010, Global Exchange honored his work by awarding him with a Human Rights Award.

The alter will be adorned with recycled glass votives and paper flowers, both of which are sold in our Global Exchange Fair Trade stores.

You can join us at the Human Rights Awards gala on May 9th in San Francisco!  Grab your tickets before they sell out!


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