Well, we certainly kicked off the new year with a bang.
Last week, from coast to coast, broadcasts of stirring inauguration speeches were met with the demands of people calling for a real and vital change: Inaugurate Democracy: Represent US!

Global Exchange contingent at the Money OUT, Voters IN rally targeting Chevron’s money in politics in Richmond, CA, Jan. 19, 2013.
Our journey in bringing the call for change began in Richmond, California on Saturday Jan. 19th. Hundreds gathered outside a Chevron refinery to demand justice, stating that the millions spent by Chevron on local, state, and national elections should in no way dwarf the very real needs and voices of actual voters. Global Exchange brought our Inaugurate Democracy signs and postcard petitions which were signed by hundreds of participants in Richmond that day.
The next day I hopped on a flight to Washington DC to bring our message straight to the decision-makers who need to hear it most: our very own elected officials.

Bringing out Money OUT, Voters IN petitions that were signed at the rally targeting Chevron’s money in politics in Richmond, CA, Jan. 19, 2013 all the way to Washington DC to #InaugurateDemocracy!
We created a banner that said, “$$$ Out” made of our signed petitions, and took a photo in the freezing 13 degree windy weather in front of the Washington Monument. Wow, it was cold indeed. But it was all worth it, because the voices of the hundreds who signed our petitions will be heard by Congress. If you haven’t signed our petition yet, we can still make sure it gets delivered to Congress!
Have you received a response from your petition?? If so let us know: email hillary {at} globalexchange.org. We’ll keep petition-signers updated with any responses as well.
While in DC, I had several meetings with folks from organizations including the Sunlight Foundation about how to best utilize their incredible tools such as www.PoliticalPartyTime.org and Influence Explorer to trace the influence of lobbyists. I am so inspired by the work we are all doing to challenge the undue influence of corporate money in politics!
Together, we are inaugurating democracy in 2013–organizing our extensive people power directly to restore and protect our democracy so that we may create the just and sustainable future that we deserve.
Sign Global Exchange’s petition: Money Out, Voters In!

Chevron Rally: Money OUT, Voters IN marching contingent in Richmond, CA! 1-19-13