Carleen DC NoXL

Carleen Pickard at Stop Keystone XL protest in DC, 2011 Photo Credit: Global Exchange

On a sunny November in 2011 thousands of us encircled the White House to say No to Keystone XL. This, after other direct actions in both Ottawa and DC also demanding rejection of the pipeline demonstrated our collective force for action on climate change.

It’s time again. President Obama must move America Forward on Climate in 2013 with decisive action to reduce dangerous carbon pollution.

Obama’s legacy as the 44th President of the United States of America rests squarely on his leadership in the face of an unstable climate future. The first milestone for President Obama is to reject the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.

FOClogoJoin me and thousands of others in DC on Sunday, February 17th over President’s Day weekend  – and show President Obama that the progressive movement and the communities that helped secure his victory are coming together to hold him to his promises.

  • What: The largest climate rally in history
  • Where: The National Mall in Washington, D.C., including a march to the White House
  • When: February 17, 2013, Noon – 4:00 p.m. (please arrive by 11:30 a.m.)
  • More Details:

Lead organizers and the Sierra Club report that more than 16,000 people are signed up to attend (and counting!)

Take-ActionTAKE ACTION! Support the rally and efforts to get tens of thousands present.

Consider making a donation to Global Exchange so we can be on the frontlines to say No to Keystone XL and elsewhere as we build an unstoppable movement for change together.

Stop the Tar Sands!