Tanzania farmland Photo Credit: blogs.actionaid.org.au
The following is a message from our friends at the Oakland Institute regarding the turning over of land in Tanzania to an American company and the resultant displacement of thousands of refugees.
Act Now: Stop Imminent Land Grab That Threatens More Than 162,000 People in Tanzania
We are requesting your support to stop the relocation of 162,000 refugees who will be displaced from their homes of more than 40 years. The result of the displacement will be the turning over of 800,000 acres of land to an American company called AgriSol, which is owned by one of the richest men (definitely a 1% man) in the US. The land is in Tanzania and thanks to efforts made by people like you, we have successfully halted the relocation but not stopped it. Your help is needed to help finish the job.
The proposed site is inhabited by former refugees from neighboring Burundi. Most of the residents, several generations of families who have successfully re-established their lives by developing and farming the land over the last 40 years, will be displaced against their will. They will lose their livelihoods and their community.
Once they are gone, Agrisol Energy will move in. Despite rising international criticism of the proposed plan to evict the residents in the proposed lease areas for foreign investors, the Tanzanian government plans to move forward with the project. We need your help today to make sure that won’t happen.
- Read the Letter from Sierra Club US and Sierra Club Canada to AGRISOL
- Please send a message to Bruce Rastetter, other principal investors, and the Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania, to urge them to drop this project.
AgriSol has promoted this large-scale land acquisition as a project to transform Tanzania into a “regional agricultural powerhouse” by combining the country’s abundant agricultural natural resources with “modern” farming practices, including the use of genetically modified crops.
Unfortunately, AgriSol’s plans–which include seeking Strategic Investor Status from the Tanzanian government that would grant them tax holidays and other critical investment incentives (including waiver of duties on agricultural and industrial equipment supplies, export guarantees, and certainty for use of GMO and Biotech and production of biofuels), while generating tremendous profit for the investors–will do little, if anything, for Tanzanians. On the contrary, it is likely that if this land deal goes ahead it will set a precedent for future land rights abuses.
More details can be found in the Oakland Institute Brief, AgriSol Energy and Pharos Global Agriculture Fund’s Land Deal in Tanzania. We fear that this project could move quickly forward unless the Tanzanian government and US investors realize that the world is watching.
TAKE ACTION! We ask that you join the Oakland Institute in holding Bruce Rastetter and AgriSol team accountable and send them the message that proceeding with their plans is not “socially responsible agricultural investment.”