On Monday, the People’s Climate Train (and Global Exchanger Shannon Biggs) left Emeryville, CA – the west coast departure point – headed for the People’s Climate March in New York City this Sunday September 21!
The People’s Climate March will coincide with the UN Summit on the climate crisis, and is predicted to be the largest civil society mobilization on climate change in history.
Global Exchange will be there and we’re taking your message along to stand for people’s and nature’s rights! Send in your message and we’ll add it to this banner and take it on the streets!
As people begin their travels to New York, many are saying they have the same feeling they did in November 1999, when heading to Seattle to shut down the WTO, or in February 2003 heading out their front doors to show opposition to the war in Iraq – a feeling of excitement, power and determination.
I know when we stand, shoulder to shoulder, in the streets and around the world we can change the course of history.