FTkidsThe following post is written by Parker Townley of Fair Trade Campaigns. Parker has been working extensively this summer preparing for the Back to School Photo Contest raising awareness among college students on child slave labor and mobilizing campuses to advocate the use of Fair Trade chocolate. See how you can take action today!

Every child deserves an education.  But, according to the International Labour Organization (ILO), child labor is a reality for 168 million boys and girls in Latin America, Africa and Asia.  Can you imagine your brother, sister, cousin, neighbor, or YOU picking cocoa beans instead of going to school as a child?


It’s easier than you think to make a stand for children. Fair Trade standards prohibit child slave labor on certified cocoa farms in Latin America and Africa. 

Combat Child Slave Labor with Fair Trade Colleges & Universities!

Our mission is to connect college students to a global movement, mobilizing campuses to advocate for change. Advocates challenge their College or University to live up to commitments to sustainability and social justice.

Your actions can empower hundreds, even thousands, on your campus to purchase Fair Trade chocolate and provide a much greater impact to the farmers and artisans who grow, pick and ship the chocolate (and other products) you love.

FTCUThree Ways YOU can Make a Difference:

1)    Join us for the Back to School Photo Contest from August 25th to September 12th. Thousands of students will be raising awareness about issues in the cocoa industry and taking action on their campuses. Participating groups receive event kits that include Fair Trade Chocolate samples!


2)    Find a campaign near you – we’ve got over 100 campaigns on campuses across the country. Connect with a group of passionate advocates in your community.

3)    Start an official Fair Trade campaign on your campus. You have the power to educate your community, get started today by clicking here.

Get your university to commit to a system that prohibits child slave labor in the production of the chocolate available in your dining halls, cafes, offices, and sporting events. We challenge YOU to change the world one university at a time!

Questions? Feel free to contact Fair Trade Colleges & Universities National Organizer Parker Townley at: ptownley@fairtradeusa.org