Supreme Court 4-4 Ruling Blocks Hope for Millions

Supreme Court 4-4 Ruling Blocks Hope for Millions

Today’s Supreme Court Ruling on Texas v. United States blocks millions of immigrant families from seeking protection under President Obama’s DAPA (Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents) and his expanded DACA (Deferred Action for Child Arrivals) programs.

The decision guarantees that millions of members of immigrant communities across the United States — who would have been eligible to work and live legally with their families under the Obama program — will be forced to remain in the shadows haunted by the fear that they could be deported at any moment.

In light of this bad news, we wanted to share one good story that underscores how our current immigration system divides families and why we need to elect a Congress that will pass humane immigration reform legislation that cannot be overturned by any court.

This new video tells the story of Myrna Lazcano who immigrated to the United States as a young woman where she had two daughters, Heidy and Michele.  Myrna later returned to Mexico with both daughters, but dangerous conditions in their hometown convinced her to return to the U.S. As the video details, that return worked for her daughters, but not Myrna who was detained, deported, and separated from her family.

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Spoiler Alert:  Myrna’s story intertwines with the Caravan for Peace, Life and Justice and has a happy, almost miraculous, ending. But it must be noted that the outcome of Myrna’s case is highly unusual.  No one should think of it as a blueprint for legal action.

Our current immigration system is not working and needs urgent reform, but Congress has failed to act.  In the context of this legislative vacuum, President Obama’s executive actions aimed to protect millions. And even now, in the absence of legal protections, people will continue to struggle for their dignity and the integrity of their families.

We stand with them.