We invite you to listen to this special webcast: “Should California follow Oregon’s lead to decriminalize drugs and fund treatment?”

Last November, Oregon voters established a new milestone on the long road toward ending the drug war. They overwhelmingly passed Ballot Measure 110, choosing to become the first U.S. state to decriminalize the possession and personal use of all drugs. Measure 110 takes effect on February 1st and represents a sea change in popular perceptions — that drug use is a public health concern, not one of criminality.

Oregon is the first state to follow the pioneering path of countries like Portugal where addiction rates and drug related deaths have dropped dramatically following the implementation of similar decriminalization measures.

We will talked with a campaigner from Oregon, a California State Senator, and two representatives of the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA), the nation’s leading drug policy reform coalition.

•Senator Scott Wiener, represents California’s District 11 and is a leader and highly effective advocate for comprehensive drug policy reform in California.

•Sami Alloy is a community organizer from Portland. She served as the Deputy Campaign Manager of the successful, groundbreaking Yes on Measure 110 campaign.

•Jeannette Zanipatin, California State Director of DPA brings her experience as a civil rights attorney at MALDEF to the mission of drug policy and criminal justice reform.

•Armando Gudiño is the California Policy Manager of DPA. He is a powerful policy advocate who is helping catalyze California’s evolution toward drug policy and criminal justice reform.

We hope you enjoy and share the webcast. To sign up and join us for future webcasts, please sign up here.