I’m sure you’ve heard that Ralph the Fair Trade doll was recently fired. His story has been showing up around the internets and people are starting to see Recession Ralph around town. How is Ralph dealing with the current economy? Let’s check it out…
Ack. In need of some dinero. Time to break into the piggie bank.
Looking for a break from the recession blues, Ralph visited his friends at a dinner party and cheered up immediately. He couldn’t bring a dish so he offered to help with the dishes. Aw, Ralph. What a…doll. 🙂
Have you seen Ralph around town? Be sure to snap a pic of him and send him over to us and we will post it on the blog and the best photo will be entered in the Recession Ralph photo contest to win a lovely Fair Trade prize. Send photos to storemaster@globalexchange.org with “Recession Ralph Photo” in the subject line.
Stay tuned for more Ralph adventures…