This early Fall is a very critical time to end all restrictions on traveling to Cuba! It is an opportunity we have not had for many years and an opportunity that will probably not come again for many years! The time to act is NOW!
In August, President Obama may decide to lift all restrictions on educational, cultural and humanitarian travel — the restrictions that Bush imposed in 2004.
In September, when Congress reconvenes after the Labor Day recess, HR 4645, the Freedom to Travel to Cuba and Agricultural Exports Act, will (hopefully) pass through the House Foreign Affairs Committee and on to the floor of the House of Representatives.
It is widely believed that the Obama Administration must make some positive gesture toward Cuba now, in the wake of Cuba’s release of so many prisoners the US considers political. Lifting the Bush-imposed restrictions on educational travel would be an easy move for him and an important sign to Cuba that the US is serious about restoring normal relations between our two countries.
Send an E-mail to your congressperson, urging him or her to vote YES on HR 4645, in the Foreign Affairs Committee if your congressperson sits on that committee, and then on the floor of the House of Representatives.
We are very close to a YES vote in the House, only a few votes short of a majority at this point. If your congressperson is “on the fence”, your email could be the one that pushes him/her over to the YES side!
Do let your voice be heard!