I for one feel that if the US youth delegation and any other delegation that comes from a rich country for that matter, don’t show solidarity with other delegations then there shouldn’t be a delegation at all. We have made delegations to get together, and to unite with each other for a better future that will affect all of us. We did NOT join delegations to support only our own countries, and not attempt to make people-to-people ties with one another.
Coming from the US, this is just embarrassing. We, as a whole, adults and youth, are not representing very well, and it has been observed. We are all making decisions that are not improving our status, and many people are depending on us to start doing something. I for one am going to do what I can.
Over the next several days I will be in contact with other youth delegations such as the African Delegation, and the Indigenous People youth delegation, and others from all over the world. I will also get the stories from other adult delegations that will emphasize on the US and communications and how they think things will go in Copenhagen. I will be recording some of these interviews and writing their statements down. I will then compose a letter to Obama and send him the footage to show how many people depend on him and the US to do start doing something about climate change.
via ESLI Youth Blog.
Lupita Troncoso is a junior at Abraham Lincoln High School in San Francisco, and is a 2nd year member of ESLI’s Youth Advisory Board. www.eslisf.org/youthblog. www.checktheweather.net.