It is time for President Biden to act on the climate crisis before it is too late. He should declare a climate emergency and issue critical executive orders that stop fossil fuel leases, exports and infrastructure.

With this latest Congressional setback, NOW IS THE MOMENT to push hard for Biden to use his full executive authority to take on the climate crisis.

Global Exchange is teaming up with our allies at People vs. Fossil Fuels for this action. We hope you take action with us today.

  • Please call the White House & urge @POTUS to declare a #ClimateEmergency, stop fossil fuel leasing, export and project approvals, and speed a just, renewable energy transition. #PeoplevsFossilFuels.
  • The White House Comment Line (888-431-7599) is open Tues-Thurs 11 AM – 3 PM EST. Please call during these hours and leave a message using the script below!
  • “Hi, my name is ____, & I’m from ____. I’m calling with the #PeoplevsFossilFuels coalition. With climate disasters mounting and Congress at a standstill, we’re counting on Biden to declare a climate emergency NOW and stop approving fossil fuel leases, exports & projects.”

We are closer than ever before to a #ClimateEmergency declaration and ramping up executive actions to tackle the climate crisis. We hope you can join our movement of People vs Fossil Fuels in demanding bold climate action from Biden!